Conspiracy Achievable

19 Jan

Just because they call you paranoid doesn`t mean they`re not out to get you.

-Mike Black

In the wake of the recent mass murdering of 20 children and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School by Adam Lanza, some have begun to question whether there was possibly more to the story than just one crazy, lone gunman that went into a school and shot dead, in cold blood, a bunch of kids. It did after all spark the first national debate on any kind of gun control this country has seen since Al Gore lost the 2000 election, even in his home state of Tennessee, seemingly for supporting any kind of reasonable gun control laws. The topic has been Democratic kryptonite ever since and NO Democrat would touch the subject with a ten foot Elephant`s tusk.

To have the audacity to dream that this was pretty good timing for the start of Obama`s second term in office, to re-ignite the otherwise dead debate on gun control, to say it was good timing is like saying opium may be slightly habit forming. I can`t help but be reminded of the book, Exception to the Rulers, where it pointed out that many 9-11 victims families cried out to the media to not let this tragedy be an excuse to go to war but their cries fell on deaf ears as the media refused to report any of their stories. Not one newspaper, news show or magazine ran a story about vicim`s families begging for the tragedy not to lead the country into war, they only ran stories on how people needed `…the evil doers to be brought to justice.`

The fact is that many of the world`s tragedies have had an enormous sway politically, one way or another, on how the public and media view certain issues. Everything from Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assassination, the attacks on the World Trade Centers on 9/11 to the Sandy Hook School shooting have had massive impact on how society view something and political leverage on one political party or another.

A lot of people had a whole lot to gain by the US getting involved in WWII and to suggest that American politicians had anything to do with the allowance, responsibility or even the direct result of the attack at Pearl Harbor is not out of the realm of plausible thought. What if you were a detective working the case, who do you start with when investigating a crime? The people who have the most to gain by the crime being committed.

Why does the media, who is supposed to be the 4th branch of the government, the only branch that should be pure from political pressure of any kind, get so offended and dismissive when these theories come out? Are they jealous? When the great and powerful Anderson Cooper did the story on James Tracy, the professor of communications from Florida who kick-started this particular theory, Cooper called him crazy, ridiculous, insane, etc… Why? AC didn`t have any proof otherwise, why bias your report like that? What is so offensive or ridiculous about suggesting the possibility of some kind of ulterior party involvement?

It is unprofessional when people, especially the media call someone/something crazy with no proof. It`s dismissive, it`s emotional, it`s biased and worst of all, it`s lazy. If you are going to call someone crazy, have some evidence to back it up, if they are so crazy then that should be an easy task. Why make it so personal? This is why people think that the media is biased. Google, `Sandy Hook/ Conspiracy` and read the first line of every article. You get words like; crazy, ridiculous  they`re at it again, etc.. with no proof of why they`re crazy. What are they afraid of?

When the son of a cop who died on 9/11 went on Bill O`Riley and said that he was against going to war over the attacks. O`Riley almost strangled the kid. He shouted at him and called him a coward, an idiot and a disgrace to his father among other things. The kid actually managed to make his point, much to the chagrin of O`Riley and afterward, when Bill would mention the kid his story kept straying further and further from what the kid actually said, lying about what the kid said.

And why is the public so outraged and compliant about all this? By public, I include the victim`s families, don`t you want to know what really happened? Is the public in such desperate need for closure that you will cling to whatever lazy story is fed to you that you can`t accept any possibility that there is more to the story than what is being reported?

There are a few exceptions to this rule of complacency by the public. No one believes the Kennedy assassination went down the way they say it did but that`s because that story had more holes in it than a heroin junkie`s forearm. Another popular conspiracy that was actually proven to be false is the moon landing. They actually proved that the moon landing was legit on Myth Busters. Good work fellas.

I`m not saying I agree with or buy into any of these conspiracy theories, I`m just saying I don`t know and neither do you and thanks to a lazy media and a compliant public we will never know. In this age of mass communication we should know everything about everything, conspiracies and frauds should be the hardest thing to pull off, hell, I can`t even listen to the radio on my phone without Facebook posting it and people commenting on it.

Also by this author is the novel Boug Boys. Available on

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Posted by on January 19, 2013 in comentary


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One response to “Conspiracy Achievable


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