
16 Jan



You can’t complain that some other day, ‘Is my Monday.’ There is only one Monday, we don’t all get to have our own Mondays like we all have our own ElGaopo’s. There is only one Monday and that Monday happens to be the real Monday.

I understand referring to the last day of your workweek as, ‘My Friday’. That’s fair enough. You could even stretch that so far as to say that your last day off before your workweek begins as, ‘My Sunday.’ But you would sound like a complete jack ass.

But Monday is Monday, it refers to the furthest day away from Friday which is universally accepted as the last day of the workweek, a day of partying.

Even if you are unfortunate enough to have a crappy job that forces you to work on the weekend, Friday nights and Saturday nights are still party nights. You may not be able to burn the midnight oil like the rest of your friends that have real jobs that don’t require name tags, but those are the party nights. Sorry, but that is a fact.

Therefore, even if your days off are Wednesday and Thursday, Friday is in no way ‘Your Monday’ it’s still Friday, there are still parties to attend, even if you have to go home early or skip the second party or do what most of us did before we were adults and had real jobs is just suffer through the Saturday by pretending the fumes from your shit job suddenly gave you flu-like symptoms.

So if you find yourself feeling like you are wanting to join the real workforce and have a proper job, first, stop being poor. Finally, start referring to the days of the week and give them their proper due.

And get a goddamn haircut…and pull your pants up.


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Posted by on January 16, 2013 in comentary


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